Send email in Node.js using Handlebars and Amazon SES

Photo by Mediamodifier / Unsplash

Sending emails from a Web application is common to notify users about events related to their interaction with the system, such as account confirmation, password reset, order confirmation, etc...

Emails are sent through the SMTP protocol, which requires a server from one side and a client to send the request to the server. SMTP servers are handled by companies such as Yahoo, Google, AWS, etc...

In this post, we will use the Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) to send emails from a Node.js application. As the use case, we will take the account creation that usually requires confirmation through email.


You must need these tools installed on your computer to follow this tutorial:

  • Node.js 12+ - Download's link
  • NPM or Yarn - I will use Yarn
  • An AWS account to use Amazon SES

Setup the project

I created a boilerplate to quickly start a Node.js project with Express Framework; check it out on my GitHub repository. Let's clone it  and make it works locally:

git clone -b express node-email-ses

cd node-email-ses

cp .env.example .env

yarn install

yarn start

Navigate to the URL http://localhost:4500 to verify it works as expected.

This project uses the package dotenv to load environment variables from a file named .env . The repository contains a template file named .env.example.

Build the email template

The email body is the part where the content lies. The content can be in plain text or HTML. With HTML, you can build good-looking email content, so the first part is to create that email template.

We will use a template engine to take advantage of the possibility of injecting variables into our template. The most popular template engine in Node.js is Handlebars. Let's install it:

yarn add handlebars

Create a folder named src/mail-template then, create a file confirm-account.html and add the code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Registration confirmation</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        body {
            font-family: calibri, 'DejaVu Sans', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
            background-color: #cbd5e1;
        .container {
            margin: 0 auto;
            width: 600px;
            padding: 10px 30px 30px 30px;
            box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ddd;
            background-color: #f3f4f6;
            border-radius: 5px;
        } {
            border: solid 1px #0ea5e9;
            background-color: #0ea5e9;
            text-decoration: none;
            color: #fff;
            font-weight: bold;
            display: block;
            width: 400px;
            text-align: center;
            padding: 10px 0;
            margin-top: 50px;
            border-radius: 5px;
        .text-blue {
            color: #0ea5e9;
<div class="container">
    <h1 class="text-blue">Confirm your account</h1>
    <div>Welcome <b class="text-blue">{{name}}</b> !</div>
        Your account has been created on our platform
        Find your login information below:
        <span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold">
            Email address : <span class="text-blue">{{email}}</span>
        To confirm the validity of your email address, please click on the link below
        <a class="link" href="{{url}}" target="_blank">Confirm my account</a>
        Regards, <br />
        <em>The AwesomeApp Team</em>

This HTML code provides the preview below:

Email template to build with HTML.

The keyword {{name}} and {{email}} will be replaced with respectively the user name and email. Handlebars provide a method handlebars.compile() to generate the HTML content from this template.

Configure AWS SES

To send emails with Amazon SES, we must first set up SES from the AWS console. Precisely, we need to validate the email address of the sender.

Before going further, check out the Amazon SES pricing.

Amazon Simple Email Service Pricing | Cloud Email Service | Amazon Web Services
Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a pay-as-you-go service based on the volume of emails sent and received. There are no subscriptions, no contract negotiations, and no minimum charges.

Go to AWS Console, authenticate, then find the service SES. You will have the page below; click on the button "Create identity"

Amazon SES home page.

There are two identity types: Domain and Email address; the former requires a domain name while the latter requires an address email. We will take the second identity type for simplicity.

Create a new identity on Amazon SES.

You will be redirected to a page showing a banner like in the picture below:

The banner indicates to check the email inbox to validate the email.

Go to your email address inbox and click the link provided. You will be redirected to a successful validation page:

The identity has been validated successfully.

Now we can send emails from this identity.

Configure STMP settings

The identity is verified, but to send an email, we need SMTP credentials that consist of four pieces of information:

  • The SMTP host: email-smtp.<region>
  • The SMTP port: 587
  • The username: to create
  • The password: to create

Let's get the two remaining pieces of information:

Create STMP credentials.

You will be redirected to the page below; enter an IAM user name you want and click on the button "Create credentials" at the bottom right.

Create an IAM user to associate with SMTP credentials.

On the next page, you will see the generated credentials; you can copy them or download the file containing them.

The file downloaded is a CSV file containing the IAM User name, the STMP username, and the STMP password.

SMTP username and password were generated successfully.

We can move to the next step.

By default, AWS SES is in sandbox mode. This helps you test your application without taking the risk of affecting of being billed for the emails you send. You have a quota of 200 emails per day.

Install the STMP client

To send an email from a Node.js application, we need an STMP client and will use the node package called nodemailer.

Run the command below to install the package:

yarn add nodemailer
yarn add -D @types/nodemailer

Create an endpoint to trigger the sending

We will create a route /register in the POST method, the request body must have the email address and name of the user. We will not handle the registration in the database.

Update the file src/index.ts  to add the code below:

type ConfirmEmailPayload = {
  email: string;
  name: string;
  url: string;
};'/register', async (req, res) => {
  const { email, name } = req.body;

  // TODO Save user into the database

  const fromEmailAddress = process.env.FROM_EMAIL;
  const smtpHost = process.env.STMP_HOST ?? '';
  const smtpPort = parseInt(process.env.STMP_PORT ?? '587', 10);
  const smtpUser = process.env.STMP_USER ?? '';
  const smtpPassword = process.env.STMP_PASSWORD ?? '';

  const smtpTransport: Mail = nodemailer.createTransport({
    host: smtpHost,
    port: smtpPort,
    auth: {
      user: smtpUser,
      pass: smtpPassword,

  const confirmationUrl = 'generated_confirmation_url';
  const templateData: ConfirmEmailPayload = {
    url: confirmationUrl,

  const templatePath = path.join(__dirname, './email-template/confirm-account.html');
  const source = fs.readFileSync(templatePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
  const template: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate<ConfirmEmailPayload> = handlebars.compile(source);
  const html: string = template(templateData);

  try {
    const updatedData: Mail.Options = {
      to: email,
      from: `Awesome App <${fromEmailAddress}>`,
      subject: 'Confirm your account',

    smtpTransport.sendMail(updatedData).then((result: nodemailer.SentMessageInfo): void => {;
  } catch (e) {

  return res.send({ message: 'User created successfully.' });

We can break the code above into four parts:

  • Part one: read the STMP settings from the environment variables.
  • Part two: create the SMTP transporter from the STMP settings using Nodemailer.
  • Part three: generate the HTML body of the email from the email template using Handlebars.
  • Part four: prepare the email client options and send the email.

Update the environment variable file

According to the code above, we must add five variables to the file .env


The property FROM_EMAIL must be the email we verified earlier in Amazon SES.

Test the application

Start the application, open Postman or any HTTP client you have, and send a POST request to the path /register.

Send a request to the route /register to trigger the sending of the email.

Check your email inbox or junk email; you will see an email like this one below:

The email has been received in my inbox.

The SMTP client provides some details about the result of the email sending. You can see if the email sent has been accepted or rejected, the email size, message ID, etc...

Content of the email sending result from the SMTP client.

Sandbox mode error

In Sandbox mode, you can only send emails to a verified email address. In our case, we can only send emails to the one we verified earlier, or we can add a new one.

In other words: the FROM_EMAIL and the TO_EMAIL must be verified. Otherwise, you will get an error when sending the email.

Enable AWS SES for production

You tested your application in Sandbox mode and are ready to use it in production. You need to switch to production mode, submit a request and wait for the approval.

Go to the SES page and click the left sidebar menu named Account Dashboard; you will have the page below:

Request the switch from the Sandbox mode to the production mode.

Provide information about the business that will use the SES identity and submit.

Bonus: Build a generic STMP client to send email

The code to send the email take 60+ line of code, and if you need to send an email in many places of your codebase, duplicate this code to only change some details (the template data, the template path, the subject, and the email recipients) is not good.

We can abstract the logic related to the HTML generation, the SMTP transport setup, and the email sending.

Create a file src/email-client.ts and add the code below:

import * as nodemailer from 'nodemailer';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import handlebars from 'handlebars';
import Mail from 'nodemailer/lib/mailer';

type EmailClientArgs<TemplateData> = {
  to: string;
  subject: string;
  templatePath: string;
  templateData: TemplateData;

const sendMail = async <TemplateData>(data: EmailClientArgs<TemplateData>) => {
  const fromEmailAddress = process.env.FROM_EMAIL;
  const smtpHost = process.env.STMP_HOST ?? '';
  const smtpPort = parseInt(process.env.STMP_PORT ?? '587', 10);
  const smtpUser = process.env.STMP_USER ?? '';
  const smtpPassword = process.env.STMP_PASSWORD ?? '';

  try {
    const smtpTransport: Mail = nodemailer.createTransport({
      host: smtpHost,
      port: smtpPort,
      auth: {
        user: smtpUser,
        pass: smtpPassword,

    const source = fs.readFileSync(data.templatePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
    const template: HandlebarsTemplateDelegate<TemplateData> = handlebars.compile(source);
    const html: string = template(data.templateData);

    const updatedData: Mail.Options = {
      from: `Awesome App <${fromEmailAddress}>`,
      subject: data.subject,

    smtpTransport.sendMail(updatedData).then((result: nodemailer.SentMessageInfo): void => {;
  } catch (e) {

export { sendMail };

Now the previous code to send an email in the file src/index.ts looks like this:

type ConfirmEmailPayload = {
  email: string;
  name: string;
  url: string;
};'/register', async (req, res) => {
  const { email, name } = req.body;

  // TODO Save user into the database

  const templateData: ConfirmEmailPayload = {
    url: 'generated_confirmation_url',

    subject: 'Confirm your account',
    templatePath: path.join(__dirname, './email-template/confirm-account.html'),
    to: email,

  return res.send({ message: 'User created successfully.' });

You can reuse the function sendEmail() in your project.

Wrap up

Amazon SES is an excellent AWS service you can use to send transactional or marketing emails from your application. We saw how to send emails using the SMTP protocol but note that we can also use the AWS SDK to send emails.

You can go further by connecting your SES identity to SNS topics to perform some actions when an email sending succeeded, bounced, etc...

Check out the official documentation to learn more about the capability of AWS.

You can find the code source on the GitHub repository.

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