AWS CDK Deploy an AWS CDK project on multiple environments Learn how to write your IaC using the AWS CDK and deploy it on many AWS accounts representing your development, staging, and production environment.
Lambda Read Path and Query Parameters from AWS Lambda and API Gateway Learn how to read path and query string parameters from an AWS Lambda connected to an API gateway. Also, validate them at runtime with Zod.
AWS SNS Implementing event-driven communication using AWS SNS and AWS CDK This post shows how to create an SNS topic with the AWS CDK, publish a message from an API, and subscribe to the SNS topic from a service to read SNS events.
AWS CDK Create an OpenID Connect for GitHub with the AWS CDK This post shows how to create an OpenID Connect for GitHub and attach some IAM roles to access AWS resources from the GitHub Actions workflow. We will use the AWS CDK as the IaC tool.
AWS CDK Deploy a Static Website on AWS S3 and CloudFront with AWS CDK In this post, you will see how to define the Infrastructure using the AWS CDK v2 for hosting a React application on AWS S3 and CloudFront. You will also see how to invalidate the CloudFront cache.
REST API Create a REST API with AWS Lambda and API Gateway using AWS CDK This post shows how to define RESTful API routes on AWS API Gateway that invoke Lambda functions. We will write the infrastructure stack using the AWS CDK and SAM for local testing.
Java Deploy a Java Lambda Function and API Gateway with AWS CDK In this post, we will see how to deploy an API Gateway and a Lambda function written in Java using the AWS CDK.
AWS Deploy a Lambda Function in Node.js with AWS CDK v2 In this tutorial, we will see how to create and deploy a lambda function using the AWS CDK. We will see how to test the Lambda function locally by combining it with the SAM CLI.