Backup and Restore a MongoDB database

The MongoDB Database Tools is a collection of command-line utilities for working with a MongoDB deployment, including data backup and import/export tools like mongoimport and mongodump as well as monitoring tools like mongotop.

There are many cases where you need to backup and restore your data:

  • For security in case of data loss, having a backup help recover faster.
  • Replicate the database in a development environment.
  • Export a MongoDB collection to use the data as test fixtures.
  • Facilitation of data migration or transfer to a new system.


To follow this post, you will need a MongoDB database having the data you want to back up. You can create a database in the cloud on MongoDB Atlas and use this post I wrote to populate your database.

Connect a Node.js application with MongoDB using Prisma
In this post, we will see how to use Prisma to define the Schema of our Mongo database and then perform CRUD actions in a Node.js application with Typescript.

Install MongoDB database tools

MongoDB provides tools to easily back up and restore the content of your MongoDB database; you must install them on the computer you will perform these operations.

Before version 4.4 of the MongoDB server, the installation automatically included the database tools. Still, the database tools are released separately with their own versioning, so it is okay to have MongoDB 6.0 and the Mongo database tools 100.6.0.

Go to this link to download the MongoDB database tools and select the OS platform to install. No need to change the version to download and package.

I will back up and restore a MongoDB on MacOS, so I choose the "macOS x86_64" platform instead of "macOS arm64" because of my CPU architecture.

Click on the "Download" button.

Download the MongoDB database tools.

Unzip the folder, and you will find a "bin" folder containing the MongoDB tools.

Unzip the MongoDB database tools downloaded.

Move the "bin" folder in the home directory and rename the folder to "mongodb-tools" to easily recognize it later:

mv mongodb-database-tools-macos-x86_64-100.7.5/bin $HOME/mongodb-tools

rm -rf mongodb-database-tools-macos-x86_64-100.7.5

To run any MongoDB database tools, we must add the "$HOME/mongodb-tools" folder in the environment variable. On MacOS or Linux, you must edit the file. .bash_profile, .profile, .bashrc or .zshrc for those using ZSH like me.

Open the related file and append the line below:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/mongodb-tools

Save and close the file, and open a new terminal to check if MongoDB database tools commands are recognized.

mongoexport --version
mongoimport --version
mongodump --version
mongorestore --version

You will get the following output:

Verify MongoDB database tools installation.

Export a collection of a MongoDB database

The database tool mongoexport allows exporting a collection of the database. The syntax is the following:

mongoexport --uri "<mongo-uri>" --collection <collection-name> --out <filename>.<ext>

  • The <mongo-uri> is the connection string to the MongoDB database that follows the format: mongodb//:<db-user>:<db-password>@<mongo-host>:<mongo-port>/database?<connection-options>. Check out the MongoDB documentation to learn more.
  • The <collection-name> is the collection's name inside the database you want to export.
  • The <filename>.<ext> is the name of the filename and the extension to save on your computer disk; the possible extensions are JSON and CSV.

The data scraped from this tutorial I wrote about Web scraping in Node.js are stored in a MongoDB database on MongoDB Cloud.

View the collections of the MongoDB database from the MongoDB Atlas console.

Let's export the collection "languages" into a file named "languages-list.json"

mongoexport --uri "mongodb+srv://" \
--collection languages \
--out languages-list.json

Export a MongoDB collection into a JSON file.

To export data from a MongoDB database collection in the CSV format, you must add the option --type with the value "csv" and also the fields you want to export using the option --fields:

mongoexport --uri "mongodb+srv://" \
--collection languages \
--type csv \
--fields _id,name,years \
--out languages-list.csv

Here, we only want to export the fields "_id", "name", and "years" from each MongoDB document in the collection "languages". If you want to export all the fields, you must explicitly declare them.

Export a MongoDB collection into a CSV file.

Import a collection of a MongoDB database

The database tool mongoimport allows exporting a collection of the database. The syntax is the following:

mongoimport --uri "<mongo-uri>" --collection <collection-name> --file <filename>.<ext>

  • The <collection-name> is the collection's name inside the database you want to import the data into.
  • The <filename>.<ext> is the name of the filename and the extension on your computer disk containing the data to import; the possible extensions are JSON and CSV.

The code below imports the content of the file "languages-list.json" into a collection named "languages-list":

mongoimport --uri "mongodb+srv://" \
--collection languages-list \
--file languages-list.json

The collection is created if it doesn't exist in the database.

Import a MongoDB collection from a JSON file.

Import data into an existing MongoDB collection

The syntax is still the same as the previous import we did, but you can use the option "--mode" to define what happens if a document already exists in the collection:

  • insert: Insert the document in the collection and throw an error if a duplicate document exists with the same "_id" or any unique fields in the document
  • upsert: replace the document if it exists or create it otherwise.
  • merge: when the document exists in the collection, the fields existing in the new document that doesn't exist in the old document will be imported.
  • delete: a document found with the "_id" or any unique fields will be deleted; those not matching will be left as is.

By default, mongoimport uses the field "_id" to match the document, but if you want to indicate other fields, use the option "--upsertFields".

It is useful when you import documents that don't have _id or when there are many fields unique field to identify a document (the email address for a person and the ISBN for a book).

The code below imports the content of the file "languages-list.json" into the collection named "languages-list", using the merge mode and the field "name" (the language's name) for the document matching:

mongoimport --uri "mongodb+srv://" \
--collection languages-list \
--file languages-list.json \
--mode merge \
--upsertFields name

Import data in a CSV file into a MongoDB collection

You must specify the options "--type" with the value "csv" and "--headerline" to indicate mongoimport to infer the field's name from the first line of the CSV file.

The code below imports the content of the file "languages-list.csv" into the collection named "languages-list":

mongoimport --uri "mongodb+srv://" \
--collection languages-list \
--file languages-list.csv \
--type csv \

Import a MongoDB collection from a CSV file.

Backup a MongoDB database

Instead of exporting each collection individually, you export the whole database as a binary file using the database tool Mongodump.

The syntax is the following:

mongodump --uri "<mongo-uri>"

The code below backup the database on MongoDB Atlas to our computer:

mongodump --uri "mongodb+srv://"

Mongodump creates a folder "dump/<database-name>" in the current directory.

Backup a MongoDB database.

You can also provide the URI for the MongoDB replicat set, and Mongodump will figure out how to perform the backup.

Restore a MongoDB database

The syntax to restore a database from a dump folder is the following:

mongorestore --uri "<mongo-uri>" <dump-folder>

The code below restores the database from the dump folder located on our computer into a database named "prolang-copy" on MongoDB Atlas:

mongorestore --uri "mongodb+srv://" \

If the database doesn't exist, it will be created.

Restore a MongoDB database from the backup folder.

Wrap up

The MongoDB database tools allow easy backup and restore of your database. We saw how to use mongoexport, mongoimport, mongodump, and mongorestore with the most essential options.

To learn more about the capability of each tool, check out the respective links below:

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