Deploy a Spring Boot application with Docker and Nginx Reverse Proxy

Deploy a Spring Boot application with Docker and Nginx Reverse Proxy
Photo by Fern M. Lomibao / Unsplash

Photo by Fern M. Lomibao / Unsplash

In this tutorial, we saw how to deploy the Spring Boot application as a JAR file. Ultimately, we highlighted some lack of this process, especially regarding deployment management and application monitoring.

With Docker, you can make your application's build and package reproducible. This avoids the risk of a failed build due to changes on the computer performing the build (OS update, software update, etc.). The environment is not a concern when it comes to running the application.

You can efficiently run many containers for the same application, get better monitoring provided by Docker, and finally retrieve the application's logs by applying filters for granular search.


To follow this tutorial, make sure you have these tools installed on your computer. This is only required to run and package the project locally:

Prepare the Virtual Private Server

We will deploy the application on a server; if you already have one, you can proceed to the next step.

You can buy a VPS on Hetzner, which provides affordable server with good performance. The server running this blog and all my side projects are hosted here. Use my referral link to get €⁠20 after you sign up.

Once you get the server, you will need to configure it so that it can make a web application accessible to the Internet. I wrote a post on a minimal configuration you need to do to host a Web application here.

The minimal configuration of a VPS server to host a Web Application
You just bought a fresh VPS to host your Web application but don’t know our the configure it in order to be ready to make your app accessible through Internet? We will cover how to configure it in this tutorial.

I use a Virtual Private Server running Ubuntu 20.04, so the instructions might differ if you use another Linux distribution.

Install the required software

To run the Docker image on the server, we need to install Docker, which will start a container and expose a port to access the application from the host. To make it accessible to the Internet, we will configure a reverse proxy using Nginx.

Illustration of the reverse proxy of a dockerized Spring Boot application with Nginx
Illustration of the reverse proxy of a dockerized Spring Boot application with Nginx

Install Docker on the server

Check out this article from Digital Ocean on how to install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04

How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 | DigitalOcean
Docker is an application that simplifies the process of managing application processes in containers. In this tutorial, you’ll install and use Docker Commun…

Install Nginx

Run the command below to install Nginx:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx

Allow Nginx in the Firewall

sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'

Make sure Nginx is running:

systemctl status nginx

Set up the project locally

I prepared a Spring Boot project for this post. It is a web application for calculating the Body Mass Index. The source code is on my GitHub repository.

GitHub - tericcabrel/bmi: A Spring boot web application to calculate the body mass index
A Spring boot web application to calculate the body mass index - GitHub - tericcabrel/bmi: A Spring boot web application to calculate the body mass index

Let's clone it and run it locally.

git clone

cd bmi

mvn install

mvn spring-boot:run

Navigate to http://localhost:8000 on your browser.

Run the Spring Boot application locally
Run the Spring Boot application locally

Build the Docker image

In the root project directory, create a file named "Dockerfile" and add the code below:

FROM maven:3.8.3-jdk-11-slim AS build

RUN mkdir /project

COPY . /project

WORKDIR /project

RUN mvn clean package

FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre-11.0.15_10-alpine

RUN mkdir /app

RUN addgroup -g 1001 -S tecogroup

RUN adduser -S teco -u 1001

COPY --from=build /project/target/bmi-1.0.jar /app/bmi.jar


RUN chown -R teco:tecogroup /app

CMD java $JAVA_OPTS -jar bmi.jar

We are taking advantage of the Docker multistage building to make the image building agnostic from the computer and the operating system where the build is happening.

In the first stage, we use the Maven Docker image to build and package the application in a JAR file

In the second stage, we use the OpenJDK Docker image for Java 11 from the Alpine distribution, which is lighter than the others. A container runs with the root user by default, which is good for security.

To prevent this, we create a User named "teco" along with the user group "tecogroup" and finally, we define it as the owner of everything inside the "app" folder.

Run the command below to build the Docker image:

docker build -t tericcabrel/bmi:v1 .

"tericcabrel" is my Docker username, so replace it with your own.

Run the Docker image locally

Run the command below to start a Docker container from the image:

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 --name bmiapp tericcabrel/bmi:v1

We get the following output:

Start a container from the Docker image
Start a container from the Docker image.

Navigate to http://localhost:8000 on your browser.

Test the application from the container running locally
Test the application from the container running locally 

Push the image to the Docker Hub

We know the Docker image works, but it is still on our computer, and no one can pull it. We will push the image to the Docker Hub to make it available from everywhere.

Run the commands below:

docker login --username=tericcabrel

docker tag tericcabrel/bmi:v1 tericcabrel/bmi:v1

docker push tericcabrel/bmi:v1

To better understand how to push a Docker image to the Docker Hub, I wrote this post for you; and if you use the AWS Elastic container registry, I wrote this one for you.

We can now pull the Docker image from the VPS and run it.

Pull and run the image on the server

On the server, we have already installed Docker, so run the command below to pull the image and start a Docker container:

docker pull tericcabrel/bmi:v1

docker run -d --rm -p 8000:8000 --name bmiapp tericcabrel/bmi:v1

curl http://localhost:8000
  • We pull the Docker image from the Docker Hub.
  • We start a container from the image and indicate we want to run the process in the background using the option "-d" contrary to the option "-it" which means to run interactively.
  • When we send a request to http://localhost:8000, we get a response with the HTML content. We cannot access it through the browser yet.
Pull the Docker image from the Docker Hub and run it
Pull the Docker image from the Docker Hub and run it.

Create the DNS record

My domain's name is; I will create a subdomain that points to the VPS IP address. Log into the client space of your hosting platform and do that. My domain name is registered at OVH.

Create the DNS record for the subdomain
Create the DNS record for the subdomain

The change can take up to 24 hours to propagate. You can use this website to check if the DNS is ready.

Configure the reverse proxy with Nginx

On the VPS, Nginx is already installed. Create an Nginx configuration for the website with the command below:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/

Note: The file's name is I usually name it like that to quickly find the application I want to apply for a change. Feel free to call it as you wish.

Paste the code below inside the file, save, and exit:

server {
    index index.html index.htm;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/bmiapp.log;
    error_log  /var/log/nginx/bmiapp-error.log error;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_redirect off;

Don't forget to replace by your domain or subdomain.

Enable the website with the command below:

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

We created a symbolic link of our config file inside the folder sites-enabled; it is because Nginx only considers the websites present in this folder.

Let's verify if there is no Nginx error, then reload it to take the changes into account:

sudo nginx -t

sudo nginx -s reload

Navigate to to see the result:

Access the application through the subdomain

It works!!!

Add SSL certificate with Letsencrypt

Install Certbot, which is the tool responsible for certificate generation:

sudo apt install snapd
sudo snap install --classic certbot

Generate and install an SSL certificate for our domain

sudo certbot --nginx -d

Reload Nginx configuration: sudo nginx -s reload

Navigate to

Access the secured application through the subdomain
Access the secured application through the subdomain.

Wrap up

Deploying a Spring Boot application with Docker is a better approach because it makes it easier to manage and monitor the running application. This approach will also benefit you when you face scaling issues.

Solutions like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes integrate easily with Docker. After this, the next step is to automate this process inside the CI/CD pipeline. I wrote a complete post about deploying our application in a CI/CD on GitHub Actions.

You can find the code source of the application deployed in this post on the GitHub repository.

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