Lambda Read Path and Query Parameters from AWS Lambda and API Gateway Learn how to read path and query string parameters from an AWS Lambda connected to an API gateway. Also, validate them at runtime with Zod.
Node.js Implement Role-based Access Control in a Node.js API A Step-by-step guide to adding role-based access control in a secured Node.js API. Control user permissions effectively and enhance API security.
Node.js How to Secure Your Node.js API with JWT Authentication Step-by-step guide to adding JWT authentication to your Node.js API. Learn how to secure your endpoints and protect your data.
PlanetScale Connect a Serverless API to MySQL using the PlanetScale HTTP API This post shows how to connect a serverless API to a PlanetScale database using the PlanetScale database driver for JavaScript and perform SQL queries.
Node.js Retrieve videos using YouTube Data API v3 in Node.js In this tutorial, we will see how to retrieve all the YouTube channel videos from the YouTube Data API using the Google APIs SDK for Node.js.
Spring Boot Implement Role-based Access Control in Spring Boot 3 This post shows how to implement a Role Based Access Control in a Spring Boot 3 application using Spring Security to ensure only authorized users with a specific role can access a resource.
Web Scraping How to Scrape Zillow using Node.js In this post, we will scrap the Zillow website using a scraping API named ScrapingDog that helps bypass captcha verification and scrap at scale.
Node.js Validate request body and parameter in a Node.js Express API In this post, we will see how to validate the request body sent to an API route built in Node.js with Express Framework.
Spring Boot Document a Spring Boot REST API with Swagger and Open API In this post, we will see how to write API documentation using Open API and Swagger for REST API built with Spring Boot and MySQL.
Spring Boot Build a REST API With Spring Boot and MySQL In this post, we will see how to build a REST API using Java and Spring Boot connected to a MySQL database.
Node.js Configure rate limiting on a Node.js REST API with Express In this post, we will see how to configure a rate limiting to limit the number of requests a client can make on a Node.js Rest API.
React Build a newsletter form subscription using React and the ConvertKit API In this post, you will see how to create a custom newsletter form subscription using React and the ConvertKit API.
Node.js Build a One-time Password in Node.js using Twilio SMS API and Redis In this post, we will see how to build a one-time password system in Node.js and Typescript using the Twilio SMS API and Redis.
Next.js Protect your Next.js API routes with middleware In this post, we will use the Next.js middleware feature to secure the API routes of a web application. Middleware has been released in Next.js 12
Spring Boot Validate Request Body and Parameter in Spring Boot In this tutorial, we will use Hibernate Validator to validate the request body and URL parameters sent to a Spring Boot application.