MongoDB Backup and Restore a MongoDB database In this post, we will see how to export and import a collection in a MongoDB database into JSON and CSV format and also back up and restore the whole database.
REST API Create a REST API with AWS Lambda and API Gateway using AWS CDK This post shows how to define RESTful API routes on AWS API Gateway that invoke Lambda functions. We will write the infrastructure stack using the AWS CDK and SAM for local testing.
Node.js Connect a Node.js application with MongoDB using Prisma In this post, we will see how to use Prisma to define the Schema of our Mongo database and then perform CRUD actions in a Node.js application with Typescript.
MongoDB Handle MongoDB transactions in Node.js using Mongoose This tutorial will show how to handle MongoDB transactions in a Node.js application using the most popular ORM Mongoose.
MongoDB Create a replica set in MongoDB with Docker Compose This tutorial will show how to create a replica set in MongoDB, then use Docker compose to make a more straightforward setup.
Web Scraping Using Web scraping in Node.js to build an API to browse programming languages In this tutorial, we will see how to perform Web scraping on a website using Node.js and Typescript. We will store the data in MongoDB
Docker Using Docker and Docker-compose with Node.js and MongoDB In this post, we will see how to build the Docker image of a Node.js application connected to a MongoDB container and run them with Docker Compose
Spring Boot Using MongoDB with Spring Boot Part 2 In the first part, we have seen how to create, update and delete data with SpringBoot. In this tutorial will see how to read these data, sort them, apply filters, and finally paginate data.
Spring Boot Using MongoDB with Spring Boot project - Part 1 When it comes to using MongoDB on a backend application, Node.js is the way to go most of the time. In the Java ecosystem, Spring Framework is widely used for building Robust backend applications for enterprises. We will see how to connect to the MongoDB database and perform write operations.
Express Create a REST API with Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Typescript In this post, we will build a REST API for a user management application in Node.js and Typescript. Connect to a MongoDB database and store the data.
MongoDB Connect MongoDB with a Node.js web application using Mongoose This post shows how to connect to MongoDB from a Node.js application, save and retrieve data in the database, and then return it to the client.
MongoDB Featured Enable authentication and authorization on MongoDB In this post, we will learn how to install MongoDB on MacOS and then, enable authentication and authorization by creating users with restricted roles and finally connect to the database.