Node.js Better Error Stack Trace with Node.js Source Maps and Sentry Reducing the bundle size of a Node.js application and getting a detailed error stack trace can be mutually exclusive; using Sentry, learn how to get the best of both worlds.
GitHub Actions Build a CI/CD with GitHub Actions to Deploy a Node.js API This post shows how to build a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions to deploy a Node.js application on a server as a Docker container.
AWS CDK Deploy an AWS CDK project on multiple environments Learn how to write your IaC using the AWS CDK and deploy it on many AWS accounts representing your development, staging, and production environment.
Lambda Read Path and Query Parameters from AWS Lambda and API Gateway Learn how to read path and query string parameters from an AWS Lambda connected to an API gateway. Also, validate them at runtime with Zod.
Yarn Upgrade a Node.js project from Yarn 1 to Yarn 4 In this post, we take a Node.js project working with Yarn v1 and upgrade it to Yarn v4 to benefit from the performance and monorepo improvements.
Node.js Implement Role-based Access Control in a Node.js API A Step-by-step guide to adding role-based access control in a secured Node.js API. Control user permissions effectively and enhance API security.
Node.js How to Secure Your Node.js API with JWT Authentication Step-by-step guide to adding JWT authentication to your Node.js API. Learn how to secure your endpoints and protect your data.
AWS SNS Implementing event-driven communication using AWS SNS and AWS CDK This post shows how to create an SNS topic with the AWS CDK, publish a message from an API, and subscribe to the SNS topic from a service to read SNS events.
Server Use Hetzner’s rescue mode to unlock your server Locked out of your Hetzner server? Follow our guide to use Rescue Mode and quickly restore access, troubleshoot issues, and regain server control.
PlanetScale Apply database migrations to PlanetScale from GitHub Actions This post shows how to build a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions to deploy a database migration in a production database hosted on PlanetScale.
PlanetScale Connect a Serverless API to MySQL using the PlanetScale HTTP API This post shows how to connect a serverless API to a PlanetScale database using the PlanetScale database driver for JavaScript and perform SQL queries.
Node.js Build the Docker image of a Node.js project using Prisma This post will show you how to build the Docker image of a Node.js application that uses Prisma as the ORM to interact with your database. We will publish the image to the Docker Hub
Docker Deploy a Next.js application on a VPS with Docker and Nginx This post shows how to deploy the Docker image of a Next.js application on a Virtual Private Server and exposes it through a subdomain using Nginx.
Node.js Create a Node.js REST API using Prisma ORM and PlanetScale This post shows you how to build a Node.js REST API using Prisma, an ORM allowing you to interact with a MySQL database managed by PlanetSCale
Node.js Migrate a Node.js project from ESLint and Prettier to Biome This post will show you how to migrate an existing Node.js project using ESLint and Prettier to Biome. The Biome CLI provides simple commands to complete the migration.
Node.js Set up a Node.js project with TypeScript and Biome This post shows you how to set up a Node.js TypeScript and use Biome as the Code formatted and linter. You learn how to run it before every commit and inside your CI pipeline with GitHub Actions.
GitHub Actions Publish a Docker image to Amazon ECR from a GitHub Actions This post shows how to build, tag, and push a Docker image in Amazon ECR from a GitHub Actions workflow. The authentication to AWS is done using OpenID Connect.
AWS CDK Create an OpenID Connect for GitHub with the AWS CDK This post shows how to create an OpenID Connect for GitHub and attach some IAM roles to access AWS resources from the GitHub Actions workflow. We will use the AWS CDK as the IaC tool.
Node.js Translate texts in Node.js with Amazon Translate This shows how to use the AWS SDK v3 client for Amazon Translate in a Node.js application to translate text from one language to one or many.
Node.js Read environment variables in a Node.js application This post shows how to load and read environment variables in a Node.js application written in JavaScript first and then in TypeScript. We will see how to validate the environment variables at the application launch.
Prisma Handle database transactions in Node.js with Prisma ORM A database transaction is an execution of many operations (insert, update, or delete) as a single unit, taking the database from a consistent state to a consistent one. If one operation fails, all the previous operations are canceled. The properties of a transaction are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID)
Node.js Install and use the AWS SDK v3 in Node.js In this post, we will see how to install the AWS SDK v3 and use it in a Node.js project to interact with an AWS service.
CloudFront Configure a custom domain with SSL on AWS CloudFront This post shows how to attach a custom domain name to a CloudFront distribution and secure it with a custom SSL certificate generated. Doing that allows a website to be served with a human-friendly URL.
AWS Install and use the AWS CLI v2 locally In this post, we will learn how to install the AWS CLI v2, configure the AWS credentials, and run a command to manage AWS services from the terminal of our computer.
Node.js Retrieve videos using YouTube Data API v3 in Node.js In this tutorial, we will see how to retrieve all the YouTube channel videos from the YouTube Data API using the Google APIs SDK for Node.js.