GitHub Actions Build a CI/CD with GitHub Actions to Deploy a Node.js API This post shows how to build a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions to deploy a Node.js application on a server as a Docker container.
AWS CDK Deploy an AWS CDK project on multiple environments Learn how to write your IaC using the AWS CDK and deploy it on many AWS accounts representing your development, staging, and production environment.
Server Use Hetzner’s rescue mode to unlock your server Locked out of your Hetzner server? Follow our guide to use Rescue Mode and quickly restore access, troubleshoot issues, and regain server control.
Docker Deploy a Next.js application on a VPS with Docker and Nginx This post shows how to deploy the Docker image of a Next.js application on a Virtual Private Server and exposes it through a subdomain using Nginx.
AWS Install and use the AWS CLI v2 locally In this post, we will learn how to install the AWS CLI v2, configure the AWS credentials, and run a command to manage AWS services from the terminal of our computer.
AWS CDK Deploy a Static Website on AWS S3 and CloudFront with AWS CDK In this post, you will see how to define the Infrastructure using the AWS CDK v2 for hosting a React application on AWS S3 and CloudFront. You will also see how to invalidate the CloudFront cache.
MongoDB Backup and Restore a MongoDB database In this post, we will see how to export and import a collection in a MongoDB database into JSON and CSV format and also back up and restore the whole database.
Spring Boot Automate the deployment of a SpringBoot application using GitHub Actions CI/CD This post will show how to automatically deploy a SpringBoot application in production when the code changes using a CI/CD pipeline on GitHub Actions.
Nginx Install an SSL certificate for Web application running behind Nginx In this post, we will see how to install buy and install an SSL certificate on a domain name serving a Web application through an Nginx server.
DevOps How to copy files over SSH In this post, we will see how to copy files and directories over SSH from a local computer to a server and vice versa using SCP.
RabbitMQ Install RabbitMQ on a Ubuntu Server 22.04 In this post, we will see how to install and manage RabbitMQ on Ubuntu 22.04; enable the Web admin UI that is accessible from a subdomain
Docker Manage your Docker container with Docker Swarm In this post, we will learn what Docker Swarm is and how it works, then see how to manage containers of a backend Web application.
Docker Push a Docker image into the Docker Hub In this post, we will see how to build a Docker image of a project. Push the image created to the Docker Hub in a private and public repository.
Node.js Load balancing a Node.js application with Nginx In this post, we will see how to configure a load balancer on a Node.js application using Nginx and see how it improves the performance.
Git Clone a folder in a Git repository with sparse-checkout If you have a remote Git repository and want to clone a specific folder inside, I will show you how to do that using the sparse checkout command of Git.
Docker Push a Docker image in AWS Elastic Container Registry In this post, we will see how to push a Docker image into a private and public repository on AWS Elastic container repository.
Spring Boot Deploy a Spring Boot application with Docker and Nginx Reverse Proxy In this post, we will see how to deploy a Spring Boot application packaged with Docker, configure a reverse proxy with Nginx, and finally secure it with Lets Encrypt.
Spring Boot Deploy a Spring Boot application JAR file with Nginx reverse proxy In this post, we will see how to deploy a Spring Boot application packaged as a JAR file on a server, configure a reverse proxy with Nginx, and finally secure it with Lets Encrypt.
Bash Set up ZSH, autosuggestion, and syntax highlight on a Ubuntu Server This tutorial will show how to set up Zsh and Oh My Zsh to improve productivity and speed when working in the terminal. We will install plugins.
Bash Write better bash scripts with Zx In this post, we will see how to write a bash script in Node.js using Zx, a Node package created by Google. We will browse his other functions
VPS The minimal configuration of a VPS server to host a Web Application You just bought a fresh VPS to host your Web application but don't know our the configure it in order to be ready to make your app accessible through Internet? We will cover how to configure it in this tutorial.