Node.js Load balancing a Node.js application with Nginx In this post, we will see how to configure a load balancer on a Node.js application using Nginx and see how it improves the performance.
Node.js Validate request body and parameter in a Node.js Express API In this post, we will see how to validate the request body sent to an API route built in Node.js with Express Framework.
Node.js Schedule background tasks in Node.js with node-cron In this post, we will see how to create and run scheduled background tasks in a Node.js application using node-cron.
Node.js Using GraphQL union type in a Node.js application In this post, we will see how to use GraphQL union types in a Node.js application run by Apollo Server.
Node.js Send email in Node.js using Handlebars and Amazon SES In this post, we will see how to set up Amazon SES and send emails through SMTP in Node.js using Handlebars and Nodemailer.
Node.js Configure rate limiting on a Node.js REST API with Express In this post, we will see how to configure a rate limiting to limit the number of requests a client can make on a Node.js Rest API.
Docker Build the Docker image of a Node.js application In this post, we will see how to build the Docker image of a Node.js application and use the Javascript bundler ESbuild to reduce the application bundle and, hence, the Docker image size.
Node.js Caching data in Node.js application with Redis In this post, we will see how to use Redis to cache data retrieved from a MySQL database through a Node.js Application. We will also see how to invalidate the cached data.
Prisma Handle a Many-to-Many relationship with Prisma and Node.js In this post, we will see how to create a many-to-many relationship with the Prisma schema and then, create, retrieve and delete data from the database.
Next.js Create a Docker image of a Next.js application In this post, we will see how to create a Docker image of a Next.js application and use the standalone output the reduce the size of the Docker image.
Node.js Connect a Node.js application with MongoDB using Prisma In this post, we will see how to use Prisma to define the Schema of our Mongo database and then perform CRUD actions in a Node.js application with Typescript.
Node.js Read an Excel file in Node.js and Typescript In this post, we will see how to read the content of an Excel file in Node.js using the library exceljs. We will also see how to handle cell formula.
Node.js Write data in an Excel file using Node.js and Typescript In this post, we will see how to write data coming from a database in an Excel file using Node.js and Typescript. We will use a package called exceljs.
Node.js Build a One-time Password in Node.js using Twilio SMS API and Redis In this post, we will see how to build a one-time password system in Node.js and Typescript using the Twilio SMS API and Redis.
Node.js Generate a CSV file from data using Node.js In this post, we will see how to write data coming from a database in a CSV file using Node.js and Typescript. We will a package called csv-writer.
Prisma Understand the shadow database feature of Prisma ORM When running a Prisma migration on a cloud-hosted database, you need a shadow database to see your migration succeed. In this post, we will see why it is required.
Node.js Using PlanetScale and TypeORM to build a Node.js REST API This tutorial will show how to use PlanetScale, the Serverless database, and TypeORM to build a REST API in Node.js and Typescript.
Node.js Read CSV file in Node.js and Typescript In this tutorial, we will learn how to read and parse the content of a CSV file using Node.js and TypeScript.
Engineering Discover ULID: the sortable version of UUID In this post, we will see what ULID is and how it differs from UUID and when to use it. We will see an implementation using Node.js and Typescript
AWS Using TypeScript and Esbuild to deploy a Lambda Function with AWS CDK Do you want to know how to deploy your Lambda function written in Typescript using AWS CDK? We will use Docker and Esbuild to test it locally and deploy it in production.
MongoDB Handle MongoDB transactions in Node.js using Mongoose This tutorial will show how to handle MongoDB transactions in a Node.js application using the most popular ORM Mongoose.
Node.js Implement Server-Sent Events in Node.js and React This tutorial will show how to use Server-Sent Events (SSE) to send updates from the application server (backend) to the client without refreshing the page.
Node.js Deploy a Node.js application with PM2 and Nginx This tutorial shows how to deploy a Node.js application on a VPS using PM2 and do a reverse proxy with Nginx on a subdomain to make the application accessible worldwide.
AWS Deploy a Lambda Function in Node.js with AWS CDK v2 In this tutorial, we will see how to create and deploy a lambda function using the AWS CDK. We will see how to test the Lambda function locally by combining it with the SAM CLI.
GraphQL Handle custom data type in a GraphQL application with Node.js In this tutorial, we will see how to create a custom Date type, apply validation on the value with GraphQL and use it in our GraphQL schema and resolvers.