CloudFront Host a static website on AWS with S3 and CloudFront This post shows how to upload static files to an S3 bucket, link the S3 bucket to a CloudFront distribution, and allow the distribution to serve files from a CloudFront distribution URL.
GitHub Set up the GitHub integration for Slack for faster code reviews This post shows how to install the GitHub application in Slack, connect a GitHub account, and receive pull request events of a GitHub repository in the Slack channel.
Spring Boot Automate the deployment of a SpringBoot application using GitHub Actions CI/CD This post will show how to automatically deploy a SpringBoot application in production when the code changes using a CI/CD pipeline on GitHub Actions.
REST API Create a REST API with AWS Lambda and API Gateway using AWS CDK This post shows how to define RESTful API routes on AWS API Gateway that invoke Lambda functions. We will write the infrastructure stack using the AWS CDK and SAM for local testing.
Web Scraping Perform Web scraping in Node.js using a scraping browser In this post, we will see how to perform web scraping in Node.js on websites with Recaptcha verification and Bot protection using a Scraping Browser and Puppeteer.
Prisma Handle Database data integrity with the Prisma ORM In this post, we will see how to use Prisma ORM to handle database integrity for databases that don't support foreign keys constraints, such as MySQL Serverless database (PlanetScale) and MongoDB
Node.js Install Node.js using NVM In this post, we will see how to use NVM to install different Node.js versions on the same computer and enable specific Node versions when needed.
Web Scraping How to scrape with Node.js In this post, we will see how to scrape to retrieve information about a product using Node.js with Web Scraper libraries.
Nginx Install an SSL certificate for Web application running behind Nginx In this post, we will see how to install buy and install an SSL certificate on a domain name serving a Web application through an Nginx server.
DevOps How to copy files over SSH In this post, we will see how to copy files and directories over SSH from a local computer to a server and vice versa using SCP.
Node.js Get the user IP address in a Node.js application with Express In this post, we will see how to retrieve the user IP address of a user in an Express Node.js application running behind the reverse proxy Nginx.
Spring Boot Send and receive messages from a Spring boot applications using RabbitMQ In this post, we will send a message from an application into a RabbitMQ queue and receive it from another application using Java and Spring Boot
RabbitMQ Publish a message to many Node.js applications using RabbitMQ In this post, we will see how to publish a message to be consumed by two Node.js applications using RabbitMQ. This is also called Pub/Sub pattern
RabbitMQ Asynchronous communication between Node.js applications using RabbitMQ In this post, we will send a message from a Node.js application into a RabbitMQ queue and receive this message from another Node.js application.
RabbitMQ Install RabbitMQ on a Ubuntu Server 22.04 In this post, we will see how to install and manage RabbitMQ on Ubuntu 22.04; enable the Web admin UI that is accessible from a subdomain
Docker Manage your Docker container with Docker Swarm In this post, we will learn what Docker Swarm is and how it works, then see how to manage containers of a backend Web application.
Docker Push a Docker image into the Docker Hub In this post, we will see how to build a Docker image of a project. Push the image created to the Docker Hub in a private and public repository.
Web Scraping How to Scrape Zillow using Node.js In this post, we will scrap the Zillow website using a scraping API named ScrapingDog that helps bypass captcha verification and scrap at scale.
Node.js Load balancing a Node.js application with Nginx In this post, we will see how to configure a load balancer on a Node.js application using Nginx and see how it improves the performance.
Personal My year 2022 in review In this post, I share the review of my year 2022, grouped into three categories: blogging journey review, my professional life, and my personal life.
Node.js Validate request body and parameter in a Node.js Express API In this post, we will see how to validate the request body sent to an API route built in Node.js with Express Framework.
Python How to install Python 2 on Mac OS 12.3 and higher Python 2 has been removed since MacOS 12.3 and also from Homebrew. In this post, I show how to install Python 2.7 on MacOS Monterrey and higher.
Node.js Schedule background tasks in Node.js with node-cron In this post, we will see how to create and run scheduled background tasks in a Node.js application using node-cron.
Node.js Using GraphQL union type in a Node.js application In this post, we will see how to use GraphQL union types in a Node.js application run by Apollo Server.
Node.js Send email in Node.js using Handlebars and Amazon SES In this post, we will see how to set up Amazon SES and send emails through SMTP in Node.js using Handlebars and Nodemailer.